Today's Live TuneUp Office Hours: The "What To Pitch: May" Edition

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Office Hours
Open Today

When: Wednesday, May 5th
Time: 1pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
How: Follow the directions on this page to get the registration link.
Or, if you're a Tin Shingle Member and are already logged in, click here to get the special registration link.
Required: Media Kit Membership with Tin Shingle. Join today.


In the olden days, of the pre-pandemic era, the 1st week of the month meant one thing: "What To Pitch: May"

You got to listen to all of the relevant ideas that could work right now for pitching the news media for print coverage in magazines, and the digital media for blogs and digital editions.

Today, we are still running the weekly TuneUp in a Live Office Hours fashion that is for members to call in to to ask any of their burning questions, but the theme can be "What To Pitch: May"

HINT: Print magazines always are working 6 months out. For instance, an interior design magazine is shooting photography for their Fall issue and needs fall colors right now. As the purple lilacs bloom in May.

Use the PR Planner and Tracking Template. to help plot and track your media coverage. It is free for Members of Tin Shingle, and a cost for those who are curating their Tin Shingle tools.

Tin Shingle Members can attend this TuneUp Office Hour session as a way to have a micro-brainstorming session on their own marketing needs. The time will be shared and moderated. Come join us if you haven't yet! Private Training is always available with a discount to Tin Shingle Members, and group connections are always appreciated.

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are closed sessions, and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.

The New Podcast "Be Antiracist" From Ibram X. Kendi, Teaming Up With Malcolm Gladwell's Pushkin Industries & iHeartMedia

After a two-year co-production, National book award winner and author and scholar behind How To Be An Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi published by Penguin Random House, is launching a podcast on Spotify, ‘Be Antiracist’.

Kendi is one of America's foremost historians and leading antiracist scholars. He is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and the Founding Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. He is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a CBS News Racial Justice Contributor. He is also the 2020-2021 Frances B. Cashin Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for the Advanced Study at Harvard University. In 2020, Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Kendi has teamed up with Malcolm Gladwell’s Pushkin Industries and iHeartMedia to launch the podcast series which will “see the historian and Founding Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research dissect the policies that contribute to racial inequity and injustice, and proposes policies and platforms that can lead us toward an antiracist future,” according to Deadline.

‘Be Antiracist’ will be a weekly interview podcast show that will attract listeners who are eager to challenge their antiracist work. It will involve what an antiracist society looks like and what people/communities can do to get involved. Kendi will be joined by politicians where they will discuss antiracist policies in over 10 episodes.



Be Antiracist with Ibram X. Kendi will premiere on June 9, 2021. It will be distributed by the iHeartPodcast Network to all podcast platforms.

Tin Shingle has added information about it to our Media Contract Idea Center.

Happy Monday! The "How To Be Antiracist" Edition - Catch Our IG Lives

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Happy Monday!
Every week, there is a new majorly racist development that happens, which makes its way into the media, how people shop, what they are talking about in social media, and what the news media is looking to cover.

Tin Shingle is here to understand it with you, as these national and wordly developments do make a difference on your business because this is a human issue, and your business serves humans!

During this year of 2021, while we try to focus on what we used to focus on, these developments, like the Meghan and Harry Interview, or the Sharon Osborn fallout/departure, and even the Scott Rudin Total Takedown (!!), occupy the minds of the media, academia, public school curriculum, job applications and hiring, and so much more.

Therefore, from time to time, Tin Shingle's owner Katie will appear on IG Live with widely respected/loved/quoted empathy-based relationship therapist and antiracism counselor Moraya Seeger DeGear, LA, LMFT (see her latest feature in Refinery29 on Ghosting feeling worse during the pandemic).

Catch some of our past IG Lives here at Tin Shingle's Instagram, where we discussed the Rachel Hollis HOT MESS of a Wow (yet did not surprise many who knew her), as well as the Meghan and Harry Interview, and what Moraya was hearing from interracial families regarding uncomfortable conversations, as well as the importance of talking about anxiety, and believing people who express feeling it.

To Be "Not Racist" Needs To Be Antiracist

Time and again, when Big Things happen in the local or national media, people respond. When business or local government does not respond, it is sending a big signal. Tin Shingle wants to be sure you are aware of this, so that silence might not be interpreted supporting a message you actually don't support.

Listen to this TuneUp with Moraya and Katie: "How Can/Should Your Business Handle Race Publicly?" to better understand your role in these everyday developments. Tin Shingle is leaving it open for all to access any time. It's an easy listen - we are really friendly! There may be points covered you hadn't considered.

Being antiracist can take many shapes, or come in the form of different hats. You don't need to wear all of the hats! Some forms antiracist behavior takes:

  • Sponsoring or supporting a business who is actively and very visually antiracist, or promoting education about it.

  • Putting a sign in your window or yard (goes a long way! listen to Moraya, who is Japanese, Black and White, say how it makes her feel)

  • Liking someone's post. Super simple, I know. But some people won't even do that!

  • Saying "Hi!" to people you normally shy away from.

  • Putting up something in your social media (but you need to back it with a few other behaviors as well, like carrying a Black-owned designer, or hiring a Black friend, or amplifying messages your Black friends or clients are trying to get across).

  • Including an antiracism and coaching session in your Mothers Day Gift Giveaway - Wow, Togetherish Mom!

This Movement Even Results In Scott Rudin

Scott Rudin is a major producer behind so many movies and plays you love. He is currently being wiped from the boards. The canceling of Scott Rudin is major because everyone knew about his bully behavior. Many experienced it. As a power player, he shaped lives.

He is being taken down now - in Tin Shingle's opinion - because ears are open. Beyond racism - this isn't a racially based takedown. As people speak out about injustices, other people are Caring Out Loud. Before, people might of cared inside, but now power players are acting to stop these behaviors from being ones that most people need to live with.

For those in the back of the room who are thinking: "I wish media would stop fanning the flames of racism and treat everyone equally," know this: this is how equality gets here. Scott Rudin is mentioned in today's message because of what the 2020 Injustice Movement did. The Black Lives Matter movement. Instead of rejecting racism, know that it is a world-wide problem and exists every single day.

The only way to keep it at bay - every single day - is to be antiracist. Not angry. All love! Acknowledging and believing. Being antiracist doesn't mean someone is angry all the time - it just means that they point something out that is uncomfortable to sit with. But sitting with it is required, and then taking action on that reality is the next step. Which is something your business can be part of in different ways.

Learn more about this on Ibram X. Kendi’s new podcast, “Be Antiracist,” which you can read more about here.

Peace, and have great Mondays!

How Tin Shingle's TuneUp Office Hours Is Helping Author Winifred Tataw

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During a Wednesday Tin Shingle TuneUp Office Hour, which is open to members from 1-2 pm, I, Katie, got to meet Winnie @winsbooks! Professionally as an author, she is Winifred Tataw, and both her names are part of what we discussed SEO-wise. Winnie is a writer in the Young Adult Fantasy genre, and her book is available on her website.

Part of why Winnie joined Tin Shingle was to improve SEO on her website. “I’ve downloaded 30 SEO apps, and it’s not happening,” she told me on a call before she joined. The simple truth is that those apps won’t help! I haven’t seen everyone, but what has always helped since the dawn of SEO 20 years ago (which is when I started), is creative writing with keywords in mind, and linking out to other related web pages is the perfect combo.

First off, we discussed where Winnie had to put her name on different pages (because her website won’t rank well for her own name if it’s not mentioned anywhere...a common problem of speaking in 1st person...and having her author name on blog articles isn’t weighted enough for Google). We discussed her Author Spotlights, a service she created to spotlight other writers of color who are Black, Brown, Indigenous, and otherwise unrecognized. Being the month of Ramadan, she has been surprised to not see the author highlights of Muslim authors right now.

Winnie interviews the author and does a full feature on the book. While this is in a section called “Services,” she doesn’t charge for this, unlike others in her field. We discussed how she is creating pure publicity for these authors, and while that is a gift/service for them, in the publishing world, it is called something else: publicity ☺️💜

She is going to rename that section to Author Spotlights and feature recent interviews on its home page. Tin Shingle is adding Winnie to our Media Contacts Idea Center, and tagging her as #BlackMedia for others looking to find opportunities. Winnie is Tin Shingle’s youngest member: she is in her 3rd year at The College of Charleston! Which is where I went also! It is an honor having a student trust Tin Shingle enough with her investment. Her eye is on the prize(s).

Today's TuneUp Office Hours: A Focus On Last Minute Pitches; Limited-Run Products



Today we are going to focus on when to pitch what.

Last Minute Mothers Day Gift Guides are on people's minds, but really prep for how you want to pitch Holiday Gift Guides (the November/December spreads) should be what you are planning for.

We can discuss how to pitch for these last minute ideas, as well as the print magazines that editors are working on now.

We will be looking at Tin Shingle's 2021 Editorial Calendar for ideas, so have that at the ready.

Additionally, we will work on what to do if you have low inventory, or are made-to-order, and how to handle that with your pitching.

If you haven't downloaded it yet, find the PR Planner and Tracking Template here. It is free for Members of Tin Shingle, and a cost for those who are curating their Tin Shingle tools.

Tin Shingle Members can attend this TuneUp Office Hour session as a way to have a micro-brainstorming session on their own marketing needs. The time will be shared and moderated. Come join us if you haven't yet! Private Training is always available with a discount to Tin Shingle Members, and group connections are always appreciated.

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are closed sessions, and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Blessings For Midwin Charles, Attorney, & Legal and Social Justice Analyst

Photo Credit: Deadline

Photo Credit: Deadline

On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, attorney and MSNBC legal analyst, Midwin Charles, passed away at age 47. The week before, she had postponed one of her group Instagram gatherings, saying she wasn’t feeling well. Before that, she celebrated Deb Haaland: “This is amazing news! Herstory made during Women’s History Month could not be more poetic. Deb Haaland is the first Native American to serve as a cabinet member in 2021? Appalling it took this long. Native Americans were almost driven to extinction by genocide when Europeans arrived on these shores. She is the 35th generation on this land. Yes, 35.” And prior to that, she had gone with her vaccine reluctant Mom to get vaccinated. Midwin was thrilled that her mother got vaccinated, and was encouraging friends to keep at their parents who were reluctant.

But In a post this week, her family reported that she had passed away. Her family reported: “It is with a profoundly heavy heart and the deepest sadness that we announce the untimely passing of our beloved Midwin Charles.” They continued, “She was known to many as a legal commentator on television but to us, she was devoted daughter, sister, aunt, niece, and cousin. Our lives are forever changed and we will miss her for a lifetime. The family thanks you in advance for your love and prayers.”

Midwin Charles, who also appeared on CNN and contributed to Essence magazine, and The Huffington Post, was born and raised in Brooklyn. She was a member of the Dean’s Diversity Council for American University’s Washington College of Law and served on the board of Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN). With this, Charles was a member of the Civil Rights Committee for the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and lectured at Syracuse University. She founded the law firm, Midwin Charles & Associates, in New York City.

According to TODAY, Charles also worked for CNN as a legal contributor for “In Session,” and started “Infinite Possibilities of the Law Degree.”

MSNBC’s Joy Reid shared she was “stunned” by the news of Charles’ Death. Reid tweeted, “Midwin dear heart, you were a brilliant spirit and beautiful soul. You were such a blessing, I’m just stunned, and have been since I learned of this today.”

The New York Post also shared that, “White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also paid tribute to the lawyer.” She shared, “This one hit really hard today. Rest in Power Sis @MidwinCharles.”

Office Hours Open Today: 1 pm - 2 pm

Office Hours Open Today

When: Wednesday, April 7
Time: 1 pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
How: Follow the directions on this page to get the registration link.
Or, if you're a Tin Shingle Member and are already logged in, click here to get the secret registration link.

Required: Media Kit Membership with Tin Shingle. Join today.

Bring your ideas.
Bring your questions.
Bring your confusions.
Bring your doubts.
Bring your joy.
Because we are doing this.
Getting the word out there about your business!

Over the years, Wednesdays have turned into Big Days for Tin Shingle. Office Hours are fun because we can really talk about anything! And discuss things like,

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from your posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website Design: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

    Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call. She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

    When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call-in details. Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.

Why We Talk About Hair Blowouts During TuneUp Office Hours

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Not gonna lie, sometimes during the TuneUp Office Hour, we discuss COVID hair blowouts, and how that can become a media pitch idea. Because that is what makeup designer mixologist @nycluckychick has mastered for her curly hair during the shutdown. This is a media pitch that isn’t a feature on her business but can keep her name and company name in the news lightly.

We also discuss things like Grammy makeup themes as seen on the virtual red carpet and how to incorporate that into her customer newsletter to increase sales. In the past, @nycluckychick showed up and we discussed short, quick, and really effective ways of getting her new makeup brand in front of editors. Makeup artists love her brand and have reached out to use it for the Grammys!

Want in on this fun? Office Hours at Tin Shingle is a special opportunity for members only, where they call in with their questions, concerns, doubts, big ideas.

Tin Shingle Members can attend this TuneUp Office Hour session as a way to have a micro-brainstorming session on their own marketing needs. The time will be shared and moderated. Come join us if you haven't yet! Private Training is always available with a discount to Tin Shingle Members, and group connections are always appreciated.

The Reckoning of 2020, Plus An Editorial Calendars UPDATE!

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Hello hello! I am back! I hope you are all happy and healthy and staying safe.

2021 is here and while it’s off to a sluggish start (insurrection notwithstanding, but that’s a whole OTHER blog post), I am a little relieved and I hope you are, too. Not that the changing of a number really does anything, but knowing that 2020 is OVER is encouraging. Winter is on its way out, Biden is in the White House, and we’ve all adjusted, adapted, pivoted and made it to the other side.

Also, editorial calendars are coming back in full force, as fast as my little fingers can type them! Got any requests? LET ME HAVE THEM!

This week I want to talk about beauty and fashion publications and what I’ve noticed after this year of reckoning.

 Yes, reckoning.

The Black Lives Matter movement rose up like a fisted phoenix from a firepit demanding justice, equity, and accountability from every industry across the board, bringing with it other social justice movements in its wake. From the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (among so many more) to the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans, the hashtags #icantbreathe#racismisavirus#justiceforbreonnataylor#weseeyouwat (and countless others) flooded social media.

In response to all of this, industries are making efforts to diversify their staff, marketing materials and products to embrace a broader audience and promote peace, inclusion and anti-racism.

 In the beauty and fashion industry, Allure reports that “beauty companies are revealing their own lack of diversity, thanks to the #pulluporshutup challenge.”

My research has pulled up some encouraging trends. I have found that many beauty publications are focusing entire issues on demographics who have been largely underrepresented in mainstream media.

For example:

ELLE - OCT 2021 The LatinX Issue

HARPER’S BAZAAR - OCT 2021 - LatinX Issue

 (It might help you to know that Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept 15 thru Oct 15.)

ALLURE - APRIL 2021 - The Melanin Project - Of our survey of Black Allure readers, skin was a topic they'd like to read more about. In response, we'll create a robust content franchise focusing on Black skincare. Includes a photo series, "My Black Skin Is..." highlighting Black women with skin conditions; and a social-first movement, #SunscreenSis to get more Black people to wear sunscreen (only 11% of non-Hispanic Black adults regularly do).

ALLURE - May 2021 - The Best of Global Beauty - A celebration of the global beauty scene exploring trends, products, rituals and routines including the reign of Nollywood in Nigeria - one of the world's biggest and fastest growing markets. (81% of readers reported that they want to see more content highlighting global beauty).

ALLURE - June/July 2021 - The New Body Positivity - We'll start conversations on topics that impact our bodies impossible beauty standards, the beauty world's problem with fat representation, and the intersection of Anti-Anti-Aging with the body-positivity movement.

COSMO - July/Aug 2020 - Black Girls’ Guide to SPF


This is a chance for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) makers and business owners to pitch to traditionally white and mainstream publications and get your voices and products out there!

For white-owned businesses, you can expand your audience by way of thoughtful and intentional inclusion, however it applies to your business. It could mean expanding your skincare line to include more diverse skintones, using models of all shapes, ethnic backgrounds, abilities and sizes in your marketing materials, or including diverse voices in your blog. 

It will take a lot of work, and missteps will be made. Remain honest with yourselves, be willing to learn and most importantly listen to each other. Hold yourselves accountable, receive criticism willingly and openly, and you will not be cancelled.

Need More Editorial Calendar Themes?

 Tin Shingle’s Editorial Calendar Collection is evolving every day!  The aforementioned themes are a small sample of what is on the docket for 2021. The most important thing for you, however, is to pitch into the theme now - time keeps marching on and you want to stay relevant in your ideas for why a magazine writer or editor may feature your business.

Members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership have instant access to all of our editorial calendar deadlines. All searchable by Title and Area of Interest. Browse through and let your inspiration guide you. Tin Shingle’s membership program is designed for business owners, artist, makers and communication directors who are getting the word out about their business.

All editorial themes are provided by the publication and are subject to change.

As always, send in media contact or editorial calendar requests to

New Media Contact: A Writer At Morning Brew

Sketch for Morning Brew of Jamie Wilde

Sketch for Morning Brew of Jamie Wilde

Jamie Wilde has been writing for Morning Brew since February of 2021. Prior to that, Wilde was the Editorial Coordinator for Morning Brew from October 2019 - February 2021. She has also worked for YPulse, Los Angeles Confidential magazine,, and The Hollywood Reporter.

Morning Brew is a daily email newsletter covering the latest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. It costs nothing to use and it’s quite entertaining! Each morning email has a recap of the stock market, a few short briefs on the most important business news of the day, and a little bit of lifestyle content.

Jamie Wilde is “always looking for a new opportunity to learn about other perspectives and where her personal experience can add something meaningful to the conversation.” Her interests include Art, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Shopping, Video Games, Media, weather, Crypto, Technology, apps, diversity, Inclusion, Entertainment.

Find Jamie Wilde in TIn Shingle’s Media Contact Database along with many others!

Skim Through Tin Shingle's Media Contacts Database

Tin Shingle's Media Contact Database makes your research a little easier. It’s easy! Log into your member account at Tin Shingle, and go to the Media Contact Idea Center. From there, you'd see a box that says "Areas of Interest," and you'd start typing LA or Los Angeles. A list of suggestions would begin coming up. Done! See how to search for media contacts HERE.

Tin Shinglers with the Media Kit Membership get access to any and all Media Contacts. Apply for Tin Shingle membership today to get access!

Get Ideas

Need ideas of why to pitch a specific magazine? Start a conversation in Tin Shingle's Pitch Whisperer. Or tune in every other Wednesday to our members-only group consulting session, Pitch Whisperer TuneUp.

You can also get private, one-on-one help through Private Training.

Tin Shinglers with the Media Kit Membership get access to any and all Media Contacts. Apply for Tin Shingle membership today to get access!

You can also get private, one-on-one help through Private Training.